As we ease out of the lockdown and return to some semblance of normal life, for some (me included!) we're still processing the carnage that's been COVID-19. This virus devastated the Black and Asian communities and left many of us feeling vulnerable and suffering...
Time for Reflection

It can’t have escaped your attention that the holiday season fast approaches. While I generally enjoy the food and relaxing, many people don’t and feel forced to join the melee of socialising, present shopping and endless tips on how to enjoy the day from all angles. It’s not surprising the temptation to hide under the duvet is strong. Whether the Holiday season prompts a love it or hate it reaction in you-the one thing we can’t do is ignore it. It’s here. Perhaps the line of least resistance is just to accept it? Being accepting frees up energy to concentrate on what could bring real pleasure over the season. Accepting allows us to detach from the pressure of others’ expectations and let go of negative feelings. By standing back we might even see where we can be of assistance -reach out to a friend, help out at a charity, offer to cook for someone who has noone else. We might find a way to make a difference and that in essence is what the Holiday season is about.
However you spend it- Happy Holidays!
Love you more:)